Ovulation Induction

OII Treatment

OII Treatment

Ovulation Induction (OII) treatment is a gentle treatment that assists your natural cycle. Medication helps to develop, mature and ovulate a single egg. This gentle treatment requires a low-level of medication and few monitoring appointments.

The OII Process
Step by Step

OII treatment is a gentle treatment that assists your natural cycle.

Ovarian Stimulation: The first stage involves taking a low amount of medication to gently stimulate the ovaries to grow one or two follicles.

Trigger Shot: When the follicle reaches the right size, a trigger shot helps the egg to mature and be released from the ovary.

Intercourse:Having intercourse within the advised time frame will increase the chance of conception.

Who Is OII Helpful For?

This gentle treatment is helpful for anyone who does not ovulate predictably, for example, someone with PCOS. The treatment assists your natural cycle in developing one or two eggs in the ovaries, and the medication triggers ovulation. Having intercourse within the advised time frame will increase the chance of conception.

OII Success Rates

The success rate for OII, a gentle low-intervention treatment, may seem modest, and it can often take several cycles to achieve a pregnancy. Ovulation induction will give you the same chance of pregnancy as someone who is ovulating regularly.

 Most patients will try ovulation induction for a number of months and if they do not have success, they may consider moving to a more advanced treatment.

OII Treatment Cost
All-Inclusive Package: from €240/€480

OII with Clomid: €240 or OII with FSH Injections: €480

Complete Treatment Packages include:

  • Planning & Coordination of Cycle
  • Prescription Issue
  • Monitoring Ultrasound Scans
  • Early Pregnancy Scans
  • Fertility Counselling