National Fertility Clinic opens in Cork

Irish-owned Waterstone Clinic, formerly known as Cork Fertility Centre, has opened a state-of-the-art national centre of excellence at Lotamore House in Cork. The 13,000 sq ft advanced fertility unit is a major architectural and technological achievement and features a world-class laboratory with the latest embryology technology. The new development has also brought a significant boost to employment in Cork, with staff numbers at the clinic increasing by 30% to 55.

Speaking about the new centre at Lotamore House, Medical Director of Waterstone Clinic, Dr John Waterstone said: “We have been at the forefront of reproductive medicine in Ireland for 15 years and our facility in Cork reflects our achievements and ambitions as a national reproductive health care provider of the highest calibre. We believe we have created the most advanced fertility unit in the country which will allow us to provide an even better service for our patients.

“We have endeavoured to make a visit to Lotamore House as stress-free as possible for patients, with generous parking, spacious waiting areas and an interior design that maximises privacy.”

The comprehensive range of treatments at Waterstone Clinic include IVF, ICSI, surgical sperm retrieval including MicroTese, sperm donation, egg donation, PGD and Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS).

“Most clinics in Ireland using time-lapse technology charge patients extra for the service. This practice reflects a trend towards increasing and undesirable commercialisation of assisted reproduction. I have long campaigned for regulation to combat the financial exploitation of vulnerable patients through expensive add-on investigations and treatments. Until such guidelines are in place, it is the responsibility of fertility clinics across the country to self-regulate and deliver honest advice and ethical management,” Dr. Waterstone added.