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Call our Clinical Services Manager on 0818 333 310 or email gp@waterstoneclinic.ie
Our clinical team at Waterstone Clinic is available to answer questions on reproductive medicine and give advice on specific clinical cases.
GP Consultation Guide
Our Fertility Consultation Guide is a free, printable educational resource. It provides practical information and a step-by-step guide to help your fertility consultations. Including information to seek from patients, a calculator for the fertility window, and a guide to fertility investigations, this guide will assist your consultations in a practical way.
When To Refer
Refer to a fertility specialist if your patient is:
Under 35 years of age and has been trying for over 1 year.
Over 35 years of age and has been trying for over 6 months.
40 years of age or over, refer immediately
HealthLink referrals can be sent via your practice management system during the patient consultation. A copy of the referral and appointment will be automatically saved into your patient’s records.
Letter referrals can also be sent to Waterstone Clinic. Please include the patient’s contact details and any relevant gynaecological, reproductive, medical and social history.
Investigations for Female Patients
On Day 2/3/4 of the Menstrual Cycle: FSH, LH, Estradiol, Prolactin, T4, TSH, Rubella
Any Cycle Day: AMH
7 Days Before Menstrual Cycle Start: Progesterone
Note: Patients must also have an up-to-date cervical smear test.
Investigations for Male Patients
Semen Analysis Test
Exploring Volume, Concentration (sperm count), Motility and Morphology
Refer to a fertility specialist if your patient has:
Abnormal semen analysis results
History of undescended testes
History of mumps
History of vasectomy
History of cancer treatment