Getting Through Christmas with Fertility Issues


5 Tips For Looking After Yourself at Christmas During Your Fertility Journey

Christmas can be an emotional time, with lots of expectations and pressure from outside, and pressure you might put on yourself too. If you are worried about the Christmas season, a little bit of planning and preparation can help you feel less uncomfortable and to enjoy the time you have to relax: it’s your Christmas too!

1. Put You First: You and your partner are the most important people to look after. Know your limits: you don’t have to accept every invitation to every event, especially if you find those where there will be lots of children or pregnant women, if you find it difficult. Be kind to yourself and find ways around it, either by declining or coming for part of it – you can always arrive late and leave early.

2. Decide Whether You Tell Your Friends & Family: This is your journey and you can decide whether to share it or not. Your friends and family may be a huge resource of support, or you may prefer to keep it to yourself. If you’d prefer to keep it to yourself, prepare some stock answers to the usual “are you thinking about kids?” questions you might be asked, and don’t be afraid to switch the topic of conversation.

3. Look After Your Feelings: It is absolutely fine to feel sad, angry or whatever other feelings you experience when you are going through your fertility journey. Being aware of, and acknowledging your emotions is important.

4. Share How You Feel: Have someone who you can talk to about your feelings –your partner, a friend, cousin – who will check in on you and make sure that you are ok.

5. Be Your Own Best Friend: Treat yourself gently and kindly, the way you would a friend. A good friend wouldn’t force you to attend a gathering you would find difficult, and a good friend wouldn’t tell you that you “shouldn’t” feel the way you do.


…….and a bonus tip: have a look at our Christmas Tree of Hope where families have sent decorations to represent their little ones helped into the world with fertility treatment. There is always hope. And we are all rooting for you.



Dec 2018[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]