A Cork Woman Becomes first in Ireland to Give Birth with new IVF treatment.

The healthy baby girl was born last week at Cork University Maternity Hospital. The woman and her partner were recommended Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) with IVF at Waterstone Clinic following a number of unsuccessful IVF cycles.

PSG involves screening embryos for chromosome abnormalities before transplantation.

The technique significantly increases the chance of a successful pregnancy after embryo transfer and also decreases the chance of miscarriage.

Miscarriage affects one pregnancy in five and while in most cases no explanation is found, research indicates that at least 50% of miscarriages are caused by chromosome abnormalities.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Morning Ireland, Medical Director of Waterstone Clinic Dr John Waterstone said Irish couples have always availed of genetic screening procedures, but have had to go abroad in the past.

Dr Waterstone said the latest procedure was carried out for a couple who were not at risk for a genetic disease but were desperate for a baby.

He said in this case seven embryos were tested and five proved to have chromosomal abnormalities.

He said the other two were normal and one embryo was transplanted resulting in a successful pregnancy.

Three other babies have been born as a result of Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis carried out at the centre, including a baby girl born last year whose parents underwent PGD to prevent her from inheriting cystic fibrosis.
