Tips for choosing a Fertility Clinic

Tips for choosing a Fertility Clinic

When choosing a fertility clinic, there are some important factors consider:

1.      What services are offered at the clinic

Research the services the clinic offers and ensure the treatment options suit your requirements. Some clinics offer a full range of services and other clinics offer a limited amount of services. Some clinics offer additional services such as counselling, nutrition advice etc., if these services are important to you, ensure the clinic offers these and enquire about costs. Some clinic will offer these services at additional costs while others offer them free of charge.

2.      What are the Success Rates

It is important to research the success rates of the clinic and how successful are they treating people in your age category. It is important to understand the data presented when comparing ‘success rates’ between clinics. Often pregnancy rates can be quoted and these will always be higher than live birth rates. ‘Live birth ‘ rate is the number or percentage of live births that resulted from the total number of successful embryo transfers. Because live births can be calculated as a percentage of cycles started, egg collections or embryo transfers, it is very important to compare like with like when reviewing results.

Reporting of annual statistics is mandatory in the USA and UK and unfortunately there is no requirement by Irish law to report annual statistics. You can benchmark the success rates of an Irish clinics to those in the UK and USA and compare the industry average. Success rates can be found on the clinics website, if they are not available you need to ask why they are not published.

3.      How convenient is the clinic to where you work/live?

It is important that the fertility clinic you attend is accessible to where you work/live as you may require a number of appointments (approx. 6 per IVF cycle). Choosing an accessible clinic will reduce your travel times, cost of travel, leave from work and stress. As fertility treatment can be a stressful journey it is important to ensure you make the process as streamlined and stress free as possible. Also, be aware of the clinics opening times. Can you receive treatment early morning/week-end’s. A clinic offering a seven day service with extended opening hours can reduce stress, absence from work etc.

4.      Patient testimonials

Are the patient testimonials available to read? These can normally be viewed on the company website. Visit fertility chat rooms and reputable blogging sites and ask people of their experience with the clinic and get a feel for what others are saying about the clinic. Ask the clinic do they have a former patient who is willing to talk to you about their experience. Also, if you know someone who has been through the journey, ask them about their experience.

 5.      Is the clinic routinely inspected by an authorized body?

Has the clinic been regulated and audited by the HPRA (The Health Products Regulatory Body)? What standards does the clinic adhere to? How often are internal and external audits carried out?

6.      First Impressions

Did you speak to a member of staff at a clinic or meet them in person. What was your impression? Does the clinic offer a personal service focused on your needs? It is important you feel comfortable with the clinic and team prior to embarking on the journey. Ensure the clinic offers support via email/phone etc. should you have any questions during your treatment. You want to feel that you are important to the clinic and they are with you every step of the way.

7.      Equipment and Facility

How dynamic is the clinic? Is their equipment up-to-date and are staff trained with latest techniques? What research and development is being conducted at the clinic or what studies/trials are being done?

8.      Cost

Before choosing a clinic, it is important to be aware of the full cost of treatment. Some clinics have additional costs or add-ons such as blood tests and these can all add up to be quite expensive. Ensure that the clinic will only carry out necessary tests and treatment and will not perform or recommend unnecessary expensive tests. As this is both an emotional and financial journey it is important to be aware of costs so there are not any surprises.

Majority of ‘add-on’ fertility treatments not supported by science

There is no evidence the majority of “add-on” treatments commonly marketed by private fertility clinics improve chances of having a baby, a damning new study reveals.

An investigation by Oxford University found 26 of 27 routinely offered procedures, some costing more than £3,000, have no rigorous research justifying claims they are effective.

Investigators discovered that one popular treatment which purports to complement in vitro fertilisation (IVF), the recommended treatment for infertility, may even harm the likelihood of pregnancy.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, responsible for regulating the sector, said it was concerned about the increasing marketisation of add-ons but admitted it has limited powers to intervene.

Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, said “Some of these treatments are of no benefit to you whatsoever and some of them are harmful.

“I can’t understand how this has been allowed to happen in the UK.”

Approximately one in seven couples in Britain have trouble conceiving, with increasing numbers of people choosing to delay trying for a family until they are older a contributing factor.

Official guidelines stipulate that the NHS should offer three full rounds of IVF to women under 40 who have not conceived after two years of regular intercourse, although the reality is a postcode lottery and numerous areas only offer one.

The new study, published in the British Medical Journal, analysed claims made across on 74 UK fertility centres’ websites.

Of 276 claims relating to the benefits of fertility interventions, just 16 were accompanied by references citing corroborating scientific research, of which only five were rigorous systematic reviews.

Add-on treatments include blastocyst culture, the practice of waiting longer to transfer embryos from a laboratory to the uterus in the hope that they will be healthier and lead to a higher chance of pregnancy, which can cost around £800.

Assisted hatching, creating a hole in the outer layer of an embryo to improve its quality, which is offered for around £450, is also offered by private clinics.

Another commonly offered add-on which aims to test embryos for abnormalities, Preimplantation Genetic Screening, has in fact been the subject of papers which suggest it lowers birth rates.

The treatment is being offered for £3,500.

Professor Heneghan told the BBC’s Panorama, which collaborated in the investigation, that the exploitation of people hoping to conceive was “One of the worst examples I’ve ever seen in healthcare”.

“The first thing you would expect to happen is that anything that makes a claim for an intervention would be backed up by some evidence,” he said.

Approximately 98 per cent of women aged between 19 and 26 having regular intercourse will conceive naturally within 2 years, however this figure drops to 90 per cent for women aged between 35 and 39.

In around 25 per cent of couples, however, this is no identified cause of the infertility.

Earlier this year experts warned that half of all women prescribed fertility treatments do not need help getting pregnant and are at risk of exploitation by private clinics.

Dr John Parsons, founder and former director of King’s College Hospital’s assisted conception unit, said clinics were having a “free-for-all” at the expense of desperate.

He described a “perfect storm” as women delay getting pregnant to establish their careers, meaning they take longer to conceive naturally which can lead them to prematurely seek fertility treatment.

Fertility Hedge Fund? Pros and Cons of Egg Banking

Freezing and storing your own eggs when you are not trying to get pregnant used to be rare. It was something young women with cancer might do, if treatment could badly damage their eggs or ability to ovulate.

Not any more. Oocyte cryopreservation is now promoted as a “hedge” against declining fertility – called by some, anticipated gamete exhaustion (AGE). And if commercial egg freezing isn’t already a billion-dollar industry in the US alone, it might not be long till it is. Egg freezing is being heavily marketed, nudging women’s fears and aiming to make it trendy with slogans like, “Smart Women Freeze”.

Freezing eggs was never going to be as simple as freezing sperm, especially as there is so much liquid (cytoplasm) inside an oocyte. Although the first baby born using a frozen oocyte was in 1986, success rates for IVF with frozen eggs couldn’t compare to fresh eggs or frozen embryos.

It took 2 developments in the 2000s for oocyte cryopreservation to become widely accepted by reproductive specialists: a fast-freezing method called vitrification and an IVF method, ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)  Vitrification had less impact on embryo development and was much more effective than previous slow freeze methods. And ICSI is thought to improve chances of fertilization, because sperm are injected directly into the cytoplasm. That might reduce the impact of changes in the oocyte’s outer membrane caused by freezing.

The egg freezing process is basically half an IVF cycle. There will be a couple of weeks of ovarian stimulation – hormone injections to get the ovaries to ripen a bunch of oocytes. Alongside, there is monitoring for adverse effects of these fertility drugs, and to determine the timing of the next step.

That next step is more hormones to trigger ovulation. Then comes oocyte retrieval: eggs are picked up with a needle through the vaginal wall into the ovary.

The costs of this could be from $12,000 to over $20,000, including medications and annual storage costs – more, if it takes more than 2 cycles or there are medical complications. If eggs are later used, there will be further costs for one or more ICSI cycles, along with more rounds of hormones and procedures.

In 2012, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) issued a statement that egg freezing was no longer experimental. Pre-emptive egg freezing “just in case” was already driving an increase in partial IVF cycles by then. It’s not the only reason for freezing eggs, though. It’s an alternative to freezing embryos for some women who are currently trying to get pregnant, too. The latest available figures from the CDC for the U.S. go up to 2014.

In 2013, debate began about law firms offering the cost of egg freezing as an employee benefit. 2013 was also the year that Sarah Elizabeth Richards’ book on egg freezing was published amid a blaze of promotional publicity, including her piece in the Wall Street Journal, “Why I froze my eggs (and you should too)”.

Since then, there have been high profile announcements by Facebook (in 2014) and  Apple (in 2015) that $20,000 a year towards covering the cost of egg retrieval and freezing was now an employee benefit. The U.S. defense forces included it as a benefit for active duty servicewomen in 2015.

Richards reported that she spent nearly $50,000 on egg retrieval and freezing over 2 years – between 36 and 38 years old. The age women are doing this is getting lower, though. Egg freezing is now being marketed to women in their 20s, and you don’t have to look far to find people arguing it should be discussed with all women in their early 30s if they don’t already have a child (example). That’s a no-lose business proposition for reproductive services.

But the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has issued a statement saying that there was not enough data to recommend egg freezing “for the sole purpose of circumventing reproductive aging in healthy women”.

There is a core problem here. The younger women are when they freeze eggs, the less likely it is that they will ever want to use them. They will be infertility patients without ever being infertile. The older women are, the less likely it is that their frozen eggs would make a difference.

The ASRM has said there is a “relatively high likelihood” that women who freeze eggs before the age of 35 will never use them. Women’s fertility declines gradually from 20 to 30 years of age, then more steeply somewhere around 35, and ever more steeply from about 38, before ending at menopause (on average, around 50).

The rate of infertility is over 60% between 40 and 44, but the rate of infertility is still only 30% between 35 and 39 [ASRM]. Pregnancies over 40 carry higher all-round risks, even for the healthiest, fittest women. And by 45, it’s very unlikely a woman can have a baby – with or without IVF.

Of the women who had a baby over the age of 40 in 2011, only about 6% got pregnant using assisted reproductive technology (ART – any IVF technique) [PDF]. (I didn’t find data on how often pregnant women over 40 were having their first baby, and planning to.) For the women who use ART, most will use their own, “real-time” eggs. At 39 years old, about 10% will use donor eggs, rising to 50% of women around 44 [CDC data].

Let’s step through how that might change if a woman whose fertility isn’t immediately threatened decides she would like to freeze eggs in her 20s or 30s for her own use. This is when we should start calculating the odds of being more or less likely to have a baby: life choices, health, emotional wellbeing, and chances of being a mother (and how) could all be changed after taking the first step down this road.

1. Consultation and testing

There will be history-taking, blood, and ultrasound tests. This is to see if (a) there are any conditions that increase the risks of ovarian stimulation, and (b) to try to estimate ovarian reserve (whether there are enough oocytes that could be ripened). For (b), the evidence for the value of these tests is not strong at all, although there is plenty of marketing hype around them. There could be genetic testing, too.

I didn’t find good data on how many women don’t move past this first base, either because they are not accepted as candidates or they change their minds.

This step is a no-lose business proposition for a service provider. From a consumer choice point of view, though, it is fraught with complexity. The bases for the choice that a future self would make in choosing an IVF service provider might be very different from the choice of an egg-freezing option. Years later, another clinic may be having far better outcomes. Yet, the choice of oocyte cryopreservation provider might pre-empt or constrain those later choices.

2. Fertility drugs for ovarian stimulation and ovulation induction (ripening and releasing eggs)

This step involves daily hormone injections for a couple of weeks and frequent monitoring, including vaginal ultrasound.

Like all major hormone treatments, adverse effects are common. A recent systematic review of hormones for triggering ovulation estimated the rate of adverse effects at about a third of women. That includes injection issues and effects of hormones on the body and emotions.

The most serious risk is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). The review said that moderate to severe OHSS is expected in 3 – 10% of ART cycles. The risk of OHSS is higher for young women. OHSS can be fatal, so women with serious symptoms will be hospitalized.

The rate of canceling a cycle because of adverse effects, or the cycle not resulting in enough eggs, varies a lot. Anywhere from 2 – 30% of women on ART cycles have been estimated to cancel the cycle or have a low success rate at this point. In the CDC’s national data for 2014, about 10% of cycles were canceled. A study on one clinic’s results for women starting cycles for egg storage reported a 21% rate of too few eggs – and most of those women still had too few eggs after multiple cycles. (The women in that study were all over 34.)

There are big question marks here, because most of the data about ART comes from women who are trying to get pregnant. That might mean a greater willingness to tolerate adverse effects and plough on than a young woman for whom this is not a last chance.

After so many years of IVF, you would think we would have conclusive data on all the key long-term health questions for women and children, but we don’t.

There is more longer term data for women, but it is in mostly older, infertile women having infertility treatment, not young, healthy, fertile women. The data suggest ovarian stimulation doesn’t increase the risk of breast cancer (see here and here), although there is not enough data to put other reproductive cancers in the clear for fertile women using fertility drugs (here).

There are still open questions about the longterm health of people born after IVF (here and here). A systematic review in 2009 found no longterm health data in children or adults born after oocyte freezing, and non-systematic reviews in 2013 and 2014 didn’t either.

3. Oocyte retrieval (egg pick-up)

The success rates for this aren’t separated from the data in the previous step. The common issues here are pain during, and for 1 of 2 days after, the procedure, plus adverse effects of the anesthesia/analgesia.

The less common adverse effects are bleeding, damage to organs, pelvic infection, and serious anesthetic complications (from less than 1% to 2 – 3% per type of complication).

4. Repeat cycles

I didn’t find data on how many cycles women have, or how many eggs women store.

Around 90% of eggs will survive the freezing/thawing process in the short-term at least [ASRM], but those won’t all successfully fertilize. And only a minority of embryos lead to a live birth [CDC]. So 1 egg is a very long way from 1 baby.

There isn’t very strong data on how many eggs to store. Rosalie Cabry and colleagues refer to studies suggesting at least 12 are needed for 1 pregnancy, with others suggesting 22 for women 37 years old or younger and 55 for women over 37. On average, Cabry wrote, that means 2 – 3 cycles per hoped-for birth.

5. How likely are the eggs to be used?

It’s unlikely women will use their frozen eggs (unless perhaps they are donated/sold to others), but I didn’t find much data to narrow this down. In 1 study, where 505 women had frozen eggs across a 5-year period, only 20 had come back to try for a pregnancy at that point (4%). Kevin Doody from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), which maintains a national registry of most ART data, reported to Time magazine that there were 176 babies born after egg freezing in 2012 and 2013 in the U.S. nationwide. (There are tens of thousands egg freezing cycles each year.)

The majority of women who set out down the egg freezing path are likely to have some eggs. But most of them – and almost all younger women – may never have infertility problems, either because they will get pregnant without medical help, or they let go of the idea of pregnancy.

6. The chances of having a live birth because of stored eggs

Here the issue isn’t the success rates for stored eggs: it’s whether the success rates are higher with stored eggs than starting from scratch.

ART data is complicated. The numbers – for example at a single clinic – can be too small to be a reliable gauge of what might happen to others. There is often no good comparative data. And apparent success can be exaggerated by measures like embryo transfers or clinical pregnancy, not live birth. The miscarriage rate, including of the earliest chemically detectable pregnancies, can make quite a bit of difference, especially in older women. Both early and late pregnancy loss can be devastating, and that has to be taken into account.

What you select as the denominator makes a big difference. For example, the later down the line you start the clock ticking – say, only after eggs are already frozen – the more unsuccessful outcomes you leave out from the calculations. And that inflates the success rate. That’s called selection bias. This hypothetical example shows selection bias in action:

For women who start an ART cycle with their own “real-time” egg(s), the live birth rate is about 35% in the mid-30s, dropping to 16% at 40 years of age [CDC data]. With embryos from donor eggs from younger, highly selected egg donors (usually in their 20s or early 30s), the rate is close to 45% even at 40 years.

But there don’t seem to be any direct comparison studies with a woman’s younger self being her donor, so we can’t be certain at all how using stored eggs stacks up. The rates reported so far with autologous oocyte cryopreservation (freezing your own eggs) are closer to using “real-time” eggs than donor eggs from selected young donors. Those SART figures reported to Time showed a 23% live birth rate – but we don’t know anything about age (of oocytes or the women) or whether vitrification was used, so it’s not very helpful. It’s not encouraging, though.

Aylin Pelin Cil and colleagues pooled data from 10 studies with 1,805 women. Using a statistical model, they estimated live birth rates of around 20 – 30% in women below 30 and half that in older women. Again, no higher than ordinary ART. They suggested 36 as a cut-off age for egg freezing.

Neelam Potdar and colleagues take issue with some aspects of Cil’s modelling. They analyzed 17 studies, but decided live birth rates couldn’t be estimated. Potdar concluded the rate of pregnancies lasting longer than 20 weeks was around 7% per thawed egg – and somewhat lower for women using their own eggs.

The success rates represent enormous joy. The high rate of pregnancy loss only hints at the emotional burden. Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos writes in “The sobering facts about egg freezing that nobody’s talking about” in Wired:

“We’ve…been led to believe that science has mastered Mother Nature. This is not true. I know. I am a former patient of three clinics in the Bay area, all of which were happy to sell me services as long as I could pay the bill. I had multiple fresh and frozen embryo transfers. Instead of taking home a baby, I came away with tremendous heartache…

The emotional toll associated with family-building failure can be crushing. The scientific fascination with the latest protocol and the marketing of fertility procedures as a lifestyle enhancer the past few decades has unwittingly led to a disregard for the emotional responses of these medical procedures, which creates a different kind of health concern – one involving mental health.”

With the medical uncertainties about egg freezing, comes the uncertainty about whether having “banked” eggs changes women’s life decisions.

Some are encouraging egg freezing as a way to lessen anxiety about loud biological clock ticking. It’s not the only option for coping with anxiety or regrets, though. And we can’t yet rule out that a sense of reassurance because of the backup plan means some women delay childbearing longer than they would have – increasing the chances of exactly the outcome they are worried about.

People talk about “egg banking” as though it’s insurance. I think both “banking” and “insurance” are misleading ways to look at this. This language gives an impression of more security than freezing eggs can deliver. And it doesn’t convey the health and emotional risks.

Egg freezing is important for women whose fertility is threatened by something other than age. It’s hard for me to see it as a step forward for others, though. There is no strong data showing important benefit, set against high physical, emotional, and financial costs. Even knowing that, it will still be seen as worthwhile to some women, of course. But it’s arguable how well-informed women are at this point. The promotional hype and service provider advocacy look more exploitative than empowering to me.

Whats the reality of going it alone through sperm donation?

Cork woman Maria O’Sullivan (41) is the mother of two children conceived through a sperm donor, Zavier (5) and Aurora (20 months). Her eldest daughter, Freya (all pictured), who was conceived naturally, had just turned nine when she decided to look into sperm donation.

Despite massive changes in Irish society in recent decades, most young women still envisage a future where they will meet Mr Right, get married and have children (not necessarily in that order). However, more and more women who have not met a potential life partner by a certain age and whose biological clocks are ticking louder every year, are now opting to go it alone through donor conception.

Angela O’Mahony, counsellor at Waterstone Clinic, says most of the single heterosexual women she meets who are considering sperm or egg donation have had a long desire to have a child, but have either not met anybody or were in a long-term relationship that did not work out.

“It’s a decision that does raise a lot of ethical and emotional issues for some people, the greatest of which is very much around the implications for the child into the future. Science has made so many amazing advances, but it also throws up challenges on so many levels.

“Counselling is an invitation to explore some of these complexities and challenges, to facilitate the woman making a decision that feels right for her and her potential child,” she says.

Once a woman has made the decision to go ahead and try for a baby through donor conception, the next major challenge facing her is whether to go for an identifiable (known) or anonymous donor. There are no sperm donation facilities in Ireland, so most Irish fertility clinics use sperm banks in Denmark where the law allows for donors to be identifiable, which means a child could contact their donor at the age of 18 if they chose to do so.

Dr John Waterstone, medical director of Waterstone Clinic, says that while the number of single heterosexual women attending the clinic for donor conception is small, it is increasing. Three-quarters of women in this situation who attend his clinic are over the age of 37, and all clients considering donor conception at the clinic must undergo free mandatory counselling in advance of treatment.

“The donation co-ordinator then sits down with the client and goes through the list of available donors. Some donors will provide an extended profile with more information on their background, maybe a baby photo and even a voice clip, which is more expensive than a basic profile.

“Once a client chooses her donor, she needs to decide how much sperm to import. If she is planning to extend her family in the future, she might bring in more sperm so that all siblings come from the same donor,” he explains.

The sperm is deep frozen and imported in straws, one straw containing one unit of sperm. The cost varies depending on the number of straws purchased and whether the donor is anonymous or identifiable. For example, four straws from an open donor will cost about €3,350, and four straws from a closed donor will cost about €1,900.

Clients can opt for intrauterine insemination (IUI), a simple procedure that involves placing the donor sperm inside the uterus to facilitate fertilisation, or in vitro fertilisation (IVF), a more invasive procedure that involves combining the egg and donor sperm in a laboratory dish and transferring the embryo to the uterus. IVF is much more successful, particularly for women in their later 30s, but also about four times more expensive than IUI. The typical cost of one cycle in an Irish clinic is about €750, while the cost of a cycle of IVF is about €4,250.

Maria’s story

Cork woman Maria O’Sullivan (41) is the mother of two children, Zavier (5) and Aurora (20 months), conceived through a sperm donor. Her eldest daughter, Freya, who was conceived naturally, had just turned nine when she decided to look into sperm donation. She had been been in a relationship with a man who already had children, and did not want anymore. With the support of her GP, she decided to go ahead with treatment at Waterstone Clinic Clinic.

“I opted for an open donor as I wanted my child to have the choice of contacting the donor when he or she was 18. I had a choice of five donors and chose somebody I felt I would have sparked with if I was to meet him. It was like a blind date without actually meeting the person.”

After only one cycle of IUI, Maria was fortunate to get pregnant and her son Zavier was born at home in October 2010. She had some sperm from the same donor frozen at the clinic and, four years later, she decided to try for another baby. Aurora was conceived in March 2014, again through IUI and born at home in December that year.

“Freya is now a teenager and Zavier is starting school in September. Aurora is just a dote; she really completes our family. I had been parenting Freya on my own from the start so I knew I would be able to cope. I don’t have a lot of family around, but you make your own family. I have made great friends and have great support, it’s true that it takes a village.”

Maria has always been very open about how Zavier and Aurora were conceived and talked about it with Freya before they came.

A former kindergarten teacher, Maria is now at home with her children full-time. She also finds the time to volunteer as a doula, supporting other women through pregnancy, and with Le Leche League.

“I do worry about the financial side of things. I’m renting and the rental sector is a bit crazy at the moment, but I tell people not to let finances stop you from having a baby. There’s not much you need in the first couple of years, apart from your arms and boobs. I would definitely recommend sperm donation to other women. You can have a relationship any time in your life, but you can’t have babies any time. I’m so glad I had my babies, they’re amazing.”

Alison’s story

Alison (40) had been in a long-term relationship on and off with a man who had been married before and had two teenage boys. He had always been honest about the fact that he did not want any children, but she was convinced she would change his mind.

“I was 36 heading for 37 and the pressure was building. I went to the US for work, and was involved in a very serious head-on collision. That was a wake-up call for me. I loved the guy, but he was not prepared to have more children so we split up. It was a difficult decision but the right one.”

Six months after the breakup, Alison made the big decision to try for a baby alone through sperm donation. Two close female friends encouraged her on her journey, while her mother and sister attended appointments and supported her along the way.

“I was 37 heading for 38 when I made the decision. I had a voice constantly in the back of my mind saying you can’t not be a mum and that voice got louder every year. My friends and brother were on their way down the traditional life path of marriage and children that I had always thought I would follow. My family were not staunch supporters of my decision at the beginning but, to be fair to my parents, their concern was coming from the right place. They knew how hard it was raising kids with two parents, let alone one.”

Alison was referred by her GP to the Clane Fertility Clinic (since acquired by Instituto Marques). It took two rounds of IUI and one round of IVF before she became pregnant with her daughter Katy, now two years and 10 months old.

She is open about how she had Katy and intends to be open with her daughter in the future. For now, she explains to Katy how every family is different and while she doesn’t have a daddy, she has a mummy who loves her very much.

“Katy is not three yet but she says “Mammy, I have no Daddy” She sees the dads collecting other children from her childminder’s house. She has my dad and brother as male role models and if the right person comes into our lives, I would like him to adopt Katy, but I would need to be 150 per cent sure about him.”

A communications manager, Alison has a busy career and, as the sole provider for her little family, bears all the responsibilities for her daughter’s care. There is nobody to help her in the middle of the night when Katy is sick, nobody to help her with drop-offs and collections and it’s simply not an option for her to be sick herself.

Despite all of the challenges though, she says the decision to have Katy was the best she ever made and she will never forget the day her daughter was put into her arms for the first time and describes motherhood as “incredibly rewarding”.

As an administrator for the Single Mums by Choice and Single Mums By Choice in Waiting private Facebook groups, Alison explains that the groups are strictly for women either trying to or who have conceived through sperm donation. Anybody who wants to join can send a request via email to [email protected] which will be reviewed by the administrators. Members of the group come from all over Ireland, but are mainly concentrated in the Dublin area and they meet up for regular coffee mornings and days out.

Counsellor Angela O’Mahony says one of the biggest challenges for women considering donor conception tends to be about how to deal sensitively with questions from their child about the identity and whereabouts of the donor.

She encourages women to look for as much non-identifiable information as possible to help give their child a better sense of who the donor is, such as what kind of music they like or whether they are into football. This may also help the child to identify where his /her particular interest or talent originated.

“Women who opt for sperm donation on their own often have made a safe and conscious choice about how to have their baby. The sharing of the genetic narrative with a child is part of that decision-making process. While this can be daunting for some, keeping it age appropriate and honest tends to work well for most mothers,” O’Mahony.

Michelle McDonagh

Tips on choosing the right fertility clinic for you

When the time comes to choose a clinic, there are a number of factors to consider, with one of the most important being success rates.

Pregnancy rates will often be quoted on a website, but you also need to look at the live birth rate – the number of babies born per completed cycle of treatment. Pregnancy rates are usually higher than live birth rates, but it’s the chance of having a baby from treatment that you are actually interested in. A call to the clinic should give you an indication, for your age of how likely it is that you would have a baby from one treatment cycle.

It is really important that you trust the clinic and get a good feel for the team. If you have an opportunity to visit a clinic or attend an information evening, you should get a good sense of the clinic and its ethos.

Consider the opening times and the location of the clinic. It is important that the clinic is within reasonable distance of your home or work. It’s best to avoid long journeys as they will result in added stress, time off work, expense etc.

The cost of treatment is a very important factor to consider. Enquire if there will be additional costs involved or added extras, as you do not want to be faced with an unexpected bill at the end of your treatment.

You also need to be sure that the clinic offers the full range of treatment options. In addition to offering IVF, the clinic should also provide the less invasive treatments. If you are aware of a specific problem that is causing your fertility issues or contributing to it, it is always best to make a phone-call and ensure they are the best clinic to treat your concern.

15 things to know about periods

Getting to know your menstrual cycle can provide a wealth of information on your reproductive and fertility health, according to fertility nurse specialist Mary McAuliffe. For couples who are trying for a baby, she says that keeping a diary of your monthly cycle can be a valuable method of boosting your chances of conception. Here are 15 things to note about your menstrual cycle.

1 Get to grips with your cycle

Every woman should get to know their menstrual cycle and become familiar with the subtle changes their body goes through on a monthly basis. A regular cycle is usually 28-30 days long with ovulation occurring on day 14-16. I encourage all the women I see to keep a menstrual diary. Take note of the length of your cycle, taking ‘day one’ as the first day of your period. Keep track of how many days your period lasts for, and how many days from day one of a cycle to day one of the next cycle.

Any pain, vaginal discharges, or other symptoms should also be noted. This information can be helpful if you need to seek assistance when pin-pointing fertile days of your cycle, or if you are attending the GP for health concerns or pregnancy delay.

2 The biology

At the beginning of your cycle, your body starts producing oestrogen, which is necessary for the lining of the uterus to thicken in preparation for pregnancy. Once the oestrogen reaches a certain level, your body triggers an ‘LH surge’ – the release of the Luteinising Hormone. Within 48 hours of the LH surge, your ovary releases an egg (ovulation) which travels into one of your fallopian tubes. If fertilised by sperm, the fertilised egg may implant and hopefully a healthy pregnancy will follow. If there is no fertilisation, the womb lining is shed and the cycle, day one, begins.


Premenstrual syndrome affects the majority of women. It is caused by the changes in hormone levels that occur during the menstrual cycle. Common symptoms include bloating, cramps, headache, irritability, food cravings and fatigue.

Using a menstrual diary to record PMS symptoms will get you in tune with how your body normally reacts during your cycle, and will alert you to any new symptoms, as well as methods that help you cope.

For some, exercise and dietary changes along with supplements can make a big difference to negative hormonal symptoms.

4 Ovulation

If you have a regular 28-day cycle, ovulation will occur on day 14. If your cycle is longer or shorter, count back 14 days from day one to find the day on which you ovulate. Your ‘fertile window’, or the time frame in which you have the best chance of conceiving, is two days before the day you ovulate through to two days after, so days 12 to 16 in a regular cycle. Remember that sperm lives for much longer than the egg.

5 Irregular periods

With the exception of women who are pregnant, going through menopause, on the contraceptive pill, or women who are known to have polycystic ovaries, every woman should have a period once a month. If you find you are skipping months and your periods are very erratic, you should see your GP or a fertility specialist. Very irregular periods can be an indication of an underlying health problem that your GP can investigate. Often a simple blood test can help shed light on the cause for irregularities. If you are concerned about your fertility, consider a fertility check which can give you reassurance or arm you with more knowledge for the future.

6 Amenorrhea

A diagnosis of secondary amenorrhea will be made after missing at least three periods when a woman was previously menstruating. This can either be caused by an issue with reproductive organs, or problems with glands that regulate hormones. Over-exercising, extreme weight loss, excessive stress or illness are also triggers.

Normally, treating the underlying issue will resolve secondary amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea is when menstruation has not occurred by age 16 and should be investigated. Anyone who experiences either primary or secondary amenorrhea should seek medical advice.

7 Family history

Ask your mother or any older sisters about their menstrual history. For example, if your mum went through an early menopause, then there is a risk that this may happen for you too.

8 Your period after the pill

Seek medical advice if you have not started menstruating again within four to six months of stopping the contraceptive pill. Also pay attention to the length of your cycle. Has it changed? This can be especially important if you are trying for a baby, as your ‘fertile window’ might be different to what it was before you were on the pill. Keeping a menstrual diary will help with this.

9 Foods that can help regulate your period

Ensure your diet includes plenty of omega-3 essential fatty acids, found in oily fish such as salmon, flaxseed, walnuts and avocados. This helps with blood flow which will assist in the movement of the egg from the ovary. Eat plenty of plant protein, found in legumes and nuts, which will help with regulating your hormones.

Try to increase your vitamin D intake by getting out in the sunshine or taking a supplement – this can help with healthy egg development. Eating a little 70pc dark chocolate, which contains flavonoids, can help with increasing microcirculation in the ovaries. A healthy diet and plenty of water will also help with relieving PMS symptoms.

10 Lifestyle tips that can help regulate your period

There are a number of simple lifestyle tips which can help to regulate your period, and will also improve your reproductive and general health. First of all, quit smoking. The blood vessels in your ovaries are tiny and can be damaged easily by smoking, which can affect your blood flow. Also maintain a healthy weight; obesity can negatively affect ovulation, while being underweight can be just as bad.

Engage in a healthy rate of exercise that you enjoy and avoid vigorous exercise. Keeping active will also reduce stress levels, which can adversely affect your cycle.

11 Teenage girls and periods

Between the ages of eight and 13, a girl will normally go through puberty. Generally speaking, about two years after a girl’s breasts develop, she should experience her first period. The medical term for this is menarche; when all parts of the girl’s reproductive system have matured and are working together.

Around six months before a girl gets her first period, she may notice a clear vaginal discharge. This is normal and should not cause worry, unless it is causing itchiness or has a strong odour. Normally, a first period should not last longer than seven days. If it does, or if dizziness or a racing pulse is experienced, medical advice should be sought.

12 Menopause

This is a normal condition that all women experience over the age of 40 and usually at around age 51. As every woman is born with a finite number of eggs, a woman eventually stops ovulating and, therefore, menstruating.

Perimenopause begins a number of years before menopause, and in the final one to two years, women will experience menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, mood swings, insomnia and fatigue. Once the period stops for 12 months, the woman enters the postmenopausal stage and the symptoms should cease.

13 Early menopause

Around one-in-100 women will experience early menopause – before the age of 40. The symptoms are very similar to menopausal symptoms: hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings and low libido. Early menopause can be genetic, so it’s a good idea to chat to your mum about her history. There are also lifestyle factors such as smoking or being very underweight, and other factors including chromosome defects or autoimmune diseases.

14 Clues to cervical cancer symptoms

There are a number of symptoms of cervical cancer that can become apparent if you are tuned in to your menstrual cycle. For example, irregular bleeding in between your periods or a discharge that is streaked with blood. If a woman who has gone through menopause notices this type of bleeding, it is never normal and they should consult a GP. Any unusual vaginal discharge should also be taken note of, especially discharge that is white, watery, brown, or smells. If this persists, medical advice should be sought.

15 When to expect a period after having a baby

A woman’s period will typically return about six to eight weeks after giving birth, if she is not breastfeeding. If she does breastfeed, the time it takes for a period to return can vary. Some women might not have a period the entire time they breastfeed. But for others, it might return after a couple of months. If you are not breastfeeding and do not get your period after three months, you should speak to your GP.

The ethics of fertility

Dr John Waterstone, Medical Director of the Waterstone Clinic, tells Catherine Reilly about the challenges facing fertility services and the urgent need for regulation

The area of fertility is rapidly changing. Science is delivering new possibilities, but the efficacy and affordability of some treatments have created cause for concern.

Questions marks have recently surrounded pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) or aneuploidy screening, for example, which is used by some clinics in Ireland and internationally to seek to identify chromosomally normal and abnormal embryos.

In an interview with the Medical Independent (MI), Waterstone Clinic’s Medical Director Dr John Waterstone said routine PGS is “not warranted”. He said PGS is often marketed in the US as a ‘standard’ element of IVF treatment, which he found disquieting.

Dr Waterstone, who is President of the Irish Fertility Society (IFS) but spoke in a personal capacity, said the Waterstone Clinic would only recommend PGS for a small cohort in particular clinical circumstances.

“Personally, I am worried about the role of PGS full-stop,” Dr Waterstone told MI. “I don’t know just how promising it is, I don’t know how beneficial it is.”


Mosaicism has recently emerged as a particular uncertainty in respect of PGS. Dr Waterstone noted that cases are being reported internationally of ‘mosaic embryos’ developing into healthy euploid newborns.

“When you do PGS on an embryo, you take out two-three-four-five cells from the embryo, usually from the part of the embryo that is going to form the placenta, and you do that at the blastocyst stage where there are maybe 150 cells present,” outlined Dr Waterstone.

“But some embryos contain a mixture of different cells; some of the cells are genetically normal and then other cells have an extra chromosome, or a chromosome too few.”

The growing evidence around mosaicism has thrown the area of PGS into confusion, he indicated.

“So for me, as Medical Director of Waterstone Clinic, we are proud that this is a technique we can do successfully but I am not at all certain right now, in 2016, about how the whole thing is going to pan-out with regard to PGS.”


Dr Waterstone said the centre was very happy with its pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) programme, which he said offers clear benefits.

“The couples are coming to you with a very real risk, usually a 25 per cent risk or a 50 per cent risk, that any baby they have would be affected by a very serious genetic condition. PGD is a good thing in my mind; there is no debate there.”

Dr Waterstone said the centre is doing a small number of PGD procedures. Waterstone Clinic is planning a relocation to a larger site that will facilitate a greater volume of work in this realm, he said.

“We are going to move to a new unit on the outskirts of Cork. We are opening there in January and our laboratory space is going to go from 300 square feet to about 1,400 square feet, so we will have a whole lot more space and a dedicated area for PGD.”

The centre has adopted the list of conditions approved for PGD by the UK fertility services regulator, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA). Dr Waterstone said there was a pressing need for long-awaited legislation and regulation around assisted human reproduction (AHR). The emergence of expensive ‘add-ons’ in IVF treatment is a particular concern.

In the UK, he noted, the HFEA has expressed alarm that certain IVF units are recommending extra treatments with the aim of “extracting more money from patients but without measurable benefits”.

Dr Waterstone said examples included intracytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection (IMSI), which is not supported by data. He was also of the view that no additional cost should be associated with time-lapse incubators.


“What I have been saying to the Department of Health is we certainly need regulation of IVF, but the most pressing concern is the commercialisation of IVF. The regulations that are introduced must address that issue, because that is one of the most pressing concerns — that couples coming through are maybe being exploited commercially by clinics that just want to maximise profit, rather than just maximise the outcomes for their patients.

“That to me is something that urgently needs to be addressed but which hasn’t really been addressed by legislation and regulation in other countries… It is a very practical issue for couples who are cash-strapped and finding it hard to afford IVF anyway and meanwhile they are confused as they go through and are being offered these add-ons.”

Currently, it is unclear when the Department will publish its draft legislation on AHR. MI understands drafting of the bill’s General Scheme is ongoing and there will be consultation after its publication.

“I hope they are making progress but from a pragmatic point of view, I cannot see that the Government are going to be eagerly trying to legislate on a contentious area, seeing as they are not in a strong position anyway,” Dr Waterstone commented.

IVF stakeholders were invited to a meeting in Hawkins House in July 2015. At that point, recalled Dr Waterstone, the Department already had a “framework for legislation”. “We in the IVF community were slightly upset and surprised that the plans had advanced so far without them seeking advice from us,” said Dr Waterstone of this meeting.

Many felt there was also insufficient consultation on legislative AHR provisions in the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015, developed by the Department of Justice. The Act provides for a National Donor-Conceived Person Register and bans use of anonymous donor gametes in Ireland. These parts of the legislation have not yet commenced.

“I personally think it was bad legislation; I think it was a missed opportunity for good legislation. I think it is far too restrictive, it actually infringes people’s constitutional right to privacy and autonomy,” said Dr Waterstone.

Currently, many fertility clinics in Ireland use sperm from Denmark and the majority of donors choose to be anonymous.

“The initiative from the Department of Justice, which is in law but not actually introduced, tries to ban anonymous donation. In other words, every donor in the future has to be someone who could be identified. I personally think it is over-intrusive, it is too dogmatic. I think people should be allowed a choice.”

The majority of heterosexual couples using donor sperm have opted for anonymous donors. This option is also taken by a “significant minority” of single women and same-sex female couples, he outlined.

Dr Waterstone added that around 1,000 couples per year go abroad for egg donation, usually to Spain or the Czech Republic, where it is anonymous by law.  The Department of Health, which will oversee implementation of this part of the legislation, has said the provisions relating to donor-assisted human reproduction, including those pertaining to non-anonymity and the National Donor-Conceived Person Register, will only apply where the donor-assisted human reproduction procedure takes place in Ireland.

The Department contends that the provisions reflect international best practice.

However, Dr Waterstone said the need to go abroad to access anonymous donor sperm or eggs would mitigate against less well-off people.  There is also a possibility that people will not involve clinics in the process at all, he said.

“We are also concerned in the Irish Fertility Society about ‘do-it-yourself’ donor sperm treatment for women. Say, a single woman who wants to use donor sperm finds some man on the Internet who is saying ‘I am a sperm donor’ — it is completely uncontrolled and so they just deal with an individual and not with a sperm bank.

“Then you don’t have these safeguards of viral testing and there is a possibility of sexually transmitted disease… we have expressed concern that if donor sperm is restricted it will encourage unofficial, do-it-yourself sperm donors which, if you go on the Internet, apparently it is quite frightening; there are lots of men out there advertising their services as personal sperm donors. We think that is frightening… we have expressed that concern in communications to the Department of Health already.”


He acknowledged that donor anonymity is a contentious area and even people working within assisted reproduction hold different views. Nevertheless, the position of the IFS is that a ban is not warranted.

“There will always be debates about anonymity for gamete donation, is it good or is it bad… but while it is uncertain, people should have the freedom to choose anonymity or identifiability, and that is the situation that has obtained for a couple of decades and I think it has worked out very well.”

Catherine Reilly

Fertility treatment ‘works for most’

Nearly three out of four couples that begin fertility treatment will eventually become parents, long-term studies suggest.

The analysis of nearly 20,000 Danish couples found 65% had children within three years and 71% within five years.

Doctors, presenting their data at a fertility conference, said the odds were heavily influenced by age.

But experts said the findings were very encouraging for couples struggling to have babies.

There is strong evidence that about one in three cycles of IVF is successful in women under the age of 35.

But what happens in the long run, when some couples try over and over again, others give up and some have problems that cannot be treated, has been uncertain.

Researchers at the Copenhagen University Hospital used rigorous registry records in Denmark to follow 19,884 women from the moment they started fertility treatment.

The results, presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, showed that more than half had given birth within two years, rising to 71% after five years.

For women under 35, 80% had children within five years. But the figure fell to 61% in those between 35 and 40 years old; and fell again to 26% in women over 40.

Dr Sara Malchau, one of the researchers, told the BBC News website: “There is a very good chance of having a child, even if you have difficulties conceiving on your own.

“Most causes of infertility can be overcome, but age is the most important factor to predict if treatments are going to be successful or not.

“Also women with a body mass index under 30 had better outcomes as well as women who didn’t smoke.”

The study also found that nearly a fifth of the women under 35 ended up conceiving as a result of sex – despite having sought fertility treatment.

However, Dr Malchau cautioned Denmark prioritised fertility treatments that made it easier for women to keep trying. Many other countries are less generous.

Common causes of infertility


  • damage to the fallopian tubes
  • ovulatory problems
  • endometriosis
  • age
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • diabetes
  • being overweight or underweight
  • smoking


  • low sperm count
  • problems with the tubes carrying sperm
  • problems getting an erection or ejaculating
  • diabetes
  • being overweight

Prof Nick Macklon, from the University of Southampton, said: “It really does provide some encouraging news for those who are about to embark on the journey of fertility treatment – the chance of having a baby is good.

“There will always be individual factors that affect an individual’s prognosis, but overall it shows us fertility treatments are working.

“There’s been a lot of debate about whether women should be having their children earlier, most of the people in my field would be of the view that if you can start earlier then your chances of completing the family you desire is going to be much higher.”

Couple who Battled Infertility Expecting Child

An Irish Fertility Clinic has announced the first pregnancy as a result of an advanced new treatment, which aids couples battling with male infertility.

Waterstone Clinic announced that a couple is expecting their first child following a Microsurgical Testicular Sperm Extraction procedure, an innovative new technique which a male patient undergoes ahead of IVF.

The procedure, used successfully for the first time in Ireland, battles against male infertility and increases the possibility of conception without having to use donor sperm.

The fertility specialists report that the client in this case had previously had testicular surgery which affected his sperm reduction and fertility, however the procedure helped he and his partner achieve a successful pregnancy through IVF in its aftermath.

Waterstone Clinic’s Consultant Urologist and Andrologist, Dr Ivor Cullen said the procedure achieved a “landmark pregnancy”, the first of its kind in Ireland.

“This is a landmark pregnancy and very positive news regarding the treatment of male infertility and in particular azoospermia. Azoospermia is a condition where no sperm cells are found in a semen sample, perhaps as a result of a hormone imbalance or other medical problem. It offers renewed hope to these men, and to men who have been diagnosed with defective sperm production, or had previous unsuccessful conventional sperm retrieval procedures.”

The procedure is recommended to men who cannot produce sperm, and involves carrying out targeted dissection of tiny tubes within the testicle, which are more likely to contain sperm.

Head of Laboratory Services at Waterstone Clinic, Dr Tim Dineen, also commented “The team at Waterstone Clinic is delighted for this couple and would like to extend our congratulations. This procedure involved precise surgery and robust laboratory techniques; we will continue to pioneer innovative and evidence-based procedures and techniques, such as Micro-TESE, that help and benefit our patients overcoming their fertility struggles.”

Men with fertility issues can now be biological dads

A pioneering new treatment for men with fertility problems has led to its first reported pregnancy in Ireland.

The new technique increases the likelihood of men becoming fathers without needing to use donor semen.

Microsurgical Testicular Sperm Extraction (Micro-TESE) is used to extract viable sperm cells from men suffering from azoospermia, which means they have no or practically no sperm cells in their semen.

The now father-to-be had previously undergone testicular surgery which had affected his sperm production. However, he had Micro-TESE at Waterstone Clinic and then his partner underwent IVF successfully.

In Micro-Tese, an incision is made in the scrotum through which one or both testicles can be seen.

Tubes within the testicle tissue are then inspected with a special high-powered microscope and dissected to see if they contain a trace of sperm. The use of the microscope means that the sperm retrieval rates are much higher than they are using traditional Tese and less issue is removed from the testicle.

Men can have a low sperm count due to low testosterone levels, an injury, following surgery or because of medical problems.

Up to 30% of fertility problems in couples are believed to originate with the male, another 30% with the female, a further 30% are a combination of both the man and woman, while 10% are non-identifiable.

The successful Micro-Tese was performed by CFC’s consultant urologist and andrologist Dr Ivor Cullen at University Hospital Waterford.

Dr Cullen said: “This is a landmark pregnancy and positive news regarding the treatment of male infertility and in particular azoospermia. It offers renewed hope to these men, and to men who have been diagnosed with defective sperm production, or had previous unsuccessful conventional sperm retrieval procedures.”

Micro-Tese allows the urologist to better distinguish between healthy and unhealthy testicular tissue. The healthy tissue samples are later examined in the laboratory. If viable sperm is found, it is prepared and frozen for use in a subsequent IVF cycle.

CFC head of laboratory services, Dr Tim Dineen said azoospermia is either caused by a duct obstruction or else by other hormonal or medical factors.

Obstructions are normally dealt with by a traditional biopsy while cases, where no obstruction is evident, can be helped by Micro-Tese as it is “much more targeted than traditional Tese”.

CFC has offered in-house testicular biopsy — traditional Tese — for men with azoospermia for over a decade. Micro-Tese is the more advanced procedure.

Micro-Tese is a day procedure — the patient can walk out the same day. It costs approximately €5,000 while IVF costs over €4,200.

Dr Dineen added that Irish men are handling fertility problems better than they would have 10-15 years ago.

“Certainly there is more talk about male infertility and the taboo that was once there isn’t there as much, but compared to women’s ability to talk openly about it, they still aren’t quite there yet,” he added.